Collaborative law offers you a no-court alternative to traditional Divorce. Holdsworth Allen’s Practice of Collaborative Law allows you and your spouse to work through divorce issues with dignity and respect. Separating and divorcing is never easy however if you, your spouse and your attorneys choose not to fight, the entire family can benefit.
Abusive Communication is Eliminated
In the collaborative process, you and your spouse, together with your attorneys, identify and discuss the emotional tactics and threats often times utilized in traditional arbitration driven divorce. The mere recognition of such tactics often eliminates such abusive communication.
The Lawyers Cannot Take Your Case to Court
The Lawyers, have agreed NOT to take part in any litigation that may take place if a settlement cannot be reached. They are free to focus their full time and attention on the most effective settlement, rather than on preparing documents and / or themselves for a Court room fight. Everyone, including the Lawyers are focused on creating a stable, fair, and legal agreement that will give the most benefit to you and your family.
Method designed for Success - Your Success ...
- Reduce Stress on you, your spouse and your children. When you resolve things out of Court.
- The Lawyers have a financial incentive to make the process work. They are “out of a Job” if the process breaks down.
- Collaborative lawyers are focused on the process as well as the outcome. They will act respectful and honest to all involved.
Greater Privacy
Temporary motions and voluminous discovery requests are not filed with the court. The lawyers are focused on reaching a settlement, not attacking you or your spouse.
Everyone is Part of the Team
You and your spouse, along with the attorneys, are the team that will get the job done. This is in sharp contrast to the traditional litigation method of divorce where there is often a “win at any cost” mindset by spouses and / or the attorneys.
Costs are Reduced
In dissolution cases there is often the need to hire an outside expert. Items may need to be appraised, the value of a business, the family home, cars and taxes will need to be addressed. Under the Collaborative Law process, the Team can select an expert / experts who are acceptable for everyone. No need to hire multiple experts who’s different opinions may confuse the process, and create additional conflicts.