These are the steps to take:
Introduce the concept to your spouse. If you feel comfortable – talk to your spouse directly, share the information on this website. If not, just give them this website address – letting them know that you found the idea appealing. This will allow them to explore the site at their own pace. How a concept is presented, and who presents it, will often determine if it is accepted.
Choose Your Own Attorney
In addition to the Attorneys at Holdsworth & Allen, you may find local attorneys trained in Collaborative Law at The Collaborative Law Institute of Missouri. You may have a phone consultation to help you
make a decision.
Meet with Your Attorney
Each of you will first meet with your own Attorney. Together, you will arrange for the first meeting with all parties. Your Lawyer will prepare you for that meeting.
Sign an Agreement
Both you and your spouse, along with each attorney will sign the Collaborative Family Law Agreement and commit to keeping the Process Guidelines.
Process Guidelines
- Respect and follow the principals and guidelines of the Collaborative Law approach.
- Speak up, express your goals, objections, needs and interests.
- Treat everyone with Respect.
- Treat the goals, objections, needs and interests of your spouse with due respect.
- Commit to develop the best choices and alternatives.
- Do not belittle any person’s comments / needs as you work toward the best solution.
- Help to show the Full picture by giving an Honest and complete disclosure.
- Take responsibility for your own actions – let go of past frustrations to allow you to have a clear view of the future.