Collaborative Law allows you and your spouse to divorce with Dignity.
Consider Collaborative Law if you and your spouse:
- Are both determined to behave in a respectful, ethical manner toward each other.
- Value a negotiated solution that meets the legitimate needs of each you.
- Can Commit your energy toward creative problem solving rather than revenge or
What are the Advantages of Collaborative Law (Divorce)?
The Basics
The Collaborative Law method is a dignified cooperative approach to working through the problems that develop when; you and your spouse are going through the process of Divorce or legal Separation
You and Your Spouse Have an Attorney
You will meet in a safe structured meeting, where you and your spouse will be able to express your point of view and needs. Your attorneys are trained to assist you in the negotiation process, they will HELP you to be heard, and to make sure that each important problem is fully discussed and resolved. They will Coach you in both communications and negotiation, while helping you to understand what your legal rights, entitlements and obligations are in this process.
Focus On What Is Fair And Proper
You and your spouse will each have an attorney who has special training to help each of you obtain what is best for the family.
Cannot Go to Court
Both Lawyers, yours and your spouse, have agreed that they will not take the case into a traditional Divorce – courtroom situation. If an agreement cannot be reached, each of you will hire a NEW attorney and begin the litigation process.